Summer vegetable quiche
Like the other quiche recipes on this site, the pastry is based on Rachel Khoo's Quiche Lorraine recipe, with an adapted filling recipe.
Serves 4-6
For the pastry:
90g soft butter/Trex or a mixture of the two (according to your taste)
180g plain flour
pinch salt (if using unsalted butter)
1 tsp sugar
2 egg yolks (keep the whites for later use)
2 tbsp water
For the filling:
a small handful of green beans, topped & tailed
2 spring onions, trimmed
a handful of parsley
5 dessert spoons of soft cheese (I used homemade labneh)
the egg whites left over from the pastry
160ml milk
2 eggs
salt & pepper
The day before you want to eat the quiche, make the pastry:
- Put all the pastry ingredients into a bowl and stir with a spoon until they start to come together.
- At this point you’ll need to use your hand to gather the ingredients into a ball, ensuring everything is well mixed in.
- Wrap in cling film and leave in the fridge overnight.
The day you want to eat the quiche:
- About 2 hours before you want to eat, take the pastry out of the fridge and leave to come up to room temp for about 30 mins
- Grease your quiche dish & roll the pastry out so it is large enough to cover it.
- Line the dish, and trim the excess pastry. Use that to fill in any cracks in the pastry case, or reinforce any bits that are a bit thinner.
- Brush the pastry case with egg white & refrigerate for 30 mins.
- While the case is chilling, steam the green beans for about 5 mins.
- Chop the beans, spring onions and parsley.
- Heat the oven to gas 4/180C
- In a jug mix together the milk, eggs, remaining egg whites and seasoning.
- To assemble your quiche first layer the bottom with the chopped vegetables. Then spoon the cheese on top. Finally, pour the milk mixture in.
- Gently place your quiche in the oven and cook for 25-40 minutes, until the pastry is brown and the filling set but with a slight wobble.
- We ate our quiche with steamed broccoli and broad beans, so it was a real green plate! It'll keep quite well in the fridge for a few days and makes a very nice lunch when cold with some salad.
This recipe tastes even better made with vegetables from Community Harvest Whetstone :)