Polytunnel Clean-up Day
As usual, our annual polytunnel tidy was enthusiastically carried out in the depths of winter with plenty of goodwill and companionship.
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Community Day
The field shed got a real makeover. We emptied it and swept it. Made the roof watertight again and painted the outside. Installed a shelf unit (thanks Transition Leicester!) and fixed it against the back wall. It took EVERYTHING that used to be on the floor. Put up tool racks, found ways to store wheeled beasties so that they wouldn't run us over as soon as we opened the door, and used a donated cupboard to store hand-salves, sun cream, first aid boxes.........
It is all so organised now that there is twice the space there used to be. Now that's magic.
Herb Gardens
Two new herb gardens taking shape. The one in front of the polytunnel is for annual herbs, and the one by the path to the shed is for perennials. It was lovely watching the herbs flourish, have areas that were eyesores managed so well, and be able to offer our members the opportunity to pick herbs whenever they want!
First Asparagus
We were delighted when Anthony and Sandra decided that we could grow some perennials, because asparagus and rhubarb are available during the hungry gap when we most need some extra crops.
What a thrill to be harvesting our own asparagus!
How Tall is My Sweetcorn?
Simon is amiably demonstrating how well this year's variety of sweetcorn grew in the field. It was very delicious! We'll grow it again next year.