What we aim to do
The aim of the project is to work as a Community to provide fresh, healthy, traceable, vegetable produce, with care for each other, creating a model of resilient and sustainable food production.
Why we aim to do it
The implications of Climate Change and rising fossil fuels costs have created a need for re-localisation of food production.
Community Supported Agriculture is a tried and tested way of re-localising food production and strengthening local communities.
Who we are and how we do it
We are a growing network of local people looking to take action to inspire our community to make a transition towards a positive and truly sustainable future.
The idea behind it is community supported agriculture (CSA). There are a variety of ways that this works but basically there is a grower or a farmer who works out the budget.
People from the local community commit to
buying the produce when it’s ready
contributing their time to helping grow the harvest
and in that way they become crop sharers.
The farmer/ grower can then concentrate on production as they don’t have to worry as much about money and finding a market.
The crop sharers start to pay before the crop is harvested and in exchange, as well as a weekly supply of, local, traceable, fresh produce they get to be members of an exciting project that gives them contact with the farm and the possibility of involvement in growing, deciding how the project will run and so on.
The idea is that we develop a community around the project, and so to further the community element, we stage events, celebrations, and 'Community days', where we work, eat, and sometimes even enjoy leisure activities together.
Another benefit is that we will create a sustainable food business providing local jobs and volunteering opportunities, benefiting the local economy.