Leek risotto
Inspired by recipes in The Silver Spoon & The Vegetarian Kitchen.
Serves 2
1 tbsp olive oil
10g butter
190g leeks (chopped weight) This was the prepped quantity I had from the ½ share on 21.04.12
generous splash white wine
150g risotto grains (I used a mixture of arborio rice & pearled spelt)
1 litre stock
1 tsp thyme
generous splash single cream
20g grated Parmesan
- Put the butter & olive oil in a large pan and heat until the butter melts.
- Add the leeks & cook over a gentle heat until soft, stirring occasionally.
- Add the risotto grains & stir until coated in oil.
- Turn the heat up & add the wine. It will sizzle & bubble; wait until it’s evaporated.
- Add the vegetable stock a bit at a time, waiting for it to be absorbed before adding more.
- Once all the stock is in the pan, season to taste & add the thyme.
- Simmer gently, stirring occasionally, until the grains are cooked. They should have a little bite left to them - you don’t want them too mushy.
- Turn off the heat & add the cream, stirring it in.
- Add the Parmesan, stir, & cover the pan for a minute or two.
- Serve immediately & enjoy!
This recipe tastes even better made with vegetables from Community Harvest Whetstone :)