Kale and potato risotto
This recipe was shared on the Growers' sheet 25th September 2020, with the source cited as The Box Cleaver Cookbook.
I have to admit to being sceptical at first - rice and potatoes? However, the delicious logic of potatoes on pizza won me over, and this dish is definitely worth making!
Serves 4
Vegetarian, gluten free (check stock)
2-3 tbsp olive oil
25g butter/margarine
1 medium onion, chopped
2 medium potatoes, cut into 1/2" chunks
350g curly kale, finely chopped
350g Arborio rice
150ml white wine
950ml stock
2 tbsp Parmesan, grated
salt and pepper, to taste
In a large pan, heat the oil with the butter/margarine.
Add the onion, potatoes and kale and saute over a medium high heat for about 8-10 minutes.
Add rice and stir until it turns opaque - about a minute.
Add wine and stir until mostly evaporated.
Add the stock, a little at a time, stirring until absorbed. Continue to add the stock in this way until the rice is cooked (about 18-20 minutes).
Turn off the heat. Add the Parmesan, and season to taste.
Depending on the stock you're using, you might want this dish to have a bit more umami.
You could substitute some stock for the liquid from soaked porcini mushrooms (adding the finely diced mushrooms with the rice).
You could add a splash of a ready made sauce with umami, such as Hendos or Watkins' mushroom ketchup.
You could add the rind of a Parmesan chunk to the rice as it cooks (removing it as serving) to add a cheesier flavour. I save Parmesan rinds for this purpose in a bag in the freezer, just popping them into whatever I'm making that needs that pop of flavour.
You could add some nutritional yeast.
This recipe tastes even better made with vegetables from Community Harvest Whetstone :)