Courgette & broad bean quiche
My work canteen served a green bean quiche recently, so when the broad beans arrived I thought I could do something similar with them. My partner was sceptical, but ate his words along with a second portion ;) The flavours in this quiche are really delicate, and make for perfect summer eating.
Inspired by
Quantities used according to
Serves 6
For the pastry:
90g soft butter
180g plain flour
pinch salt
1 tsp sugar
2 egg yolks (keep the whites for later use)
2 tbsp water
For the filling:
4 eggs
2 egg yolks
200g broad beans
200g courgette
300ml double cream
1 tbsp mint leaves
The day before you want to eat the quiche, make the pastry:
- Put all the pastry ingredients into a bowl and stir with a spoon until they start to come together.
- At this point you’ll need to use your hand to gather the ingredients into a ball, ensuring everything is well mixed in
- Wrap in cling film and leave in the fridge overnight
The day you want to eat the quiche:
- About 2 hours before you want to eat, take the pastry out of the fridge and leave to come up to room temp for about 30 mins
- Grease your quiche dish & roll the pastry out so it is large enough to cover it. You might want to use the trick in the video (link above) of rolling it out between two sheets of greaseproof paper to stop it sticking everywhere.
- Line the dish, and trim the excess pastry. Use that to fill in any cracks in the pastry case, or reinforce any bits that are a bit thinner.
- Brush the pastry case with egg white & refrigerate for 30 mins.
- Pre-heat your oven to gas 4/180C
- Pod your broad beans & boil for 2-3 mins. Set aside & leave to cool.
- Wash & chop your courgettes, and prepare any other veg/salad that you’d like to eat with your quiche.
- In a large bowl, combine the eggs, egg yolks, cream, mint leaves, & seasoning for the filling.
- Now you’re ready to assemble your quiche: line the bottom with the veg, and pour the cream mixture over until it reaches the top. Depending on the size of your quiche dish you may have a little left over.
- Bake for 25-40 mins until the filling is set with a slight wobble in the centre.
- Enjoy! We ate ours with boiled new potatoes & new season carrots, all from CHW.
This recipe tastes even better made with vegetables from Community Harvest Whetstone :)