Courgette and Mozarella soup
This recipe was sent in by Elspeth - thank you!
Here’s one that even Toby liked! It’s a Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall recipe, but I tinkered with it to suit our family. It’s thick, velvety and light, and you can eat it hot or cold, perfect for the heatwave and courgette glut.
vegetarian, gluten free
2 tbs olive oil
1 kg courgettes
2 garlic cloves
400 ml milk
350 ml stock
4 bay leaves
200 gr mozzarella
some basil, or mint, or parsley, or sage
salt & pepper
- Chop the courgette into smallish chunks of similar size; peel & chop or squeeze the garlic cloves, chop the mozzarella.
- Heat the milk with the bay leaves, just before boiling turn off the heat; leave to infuse.
- Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, add courgettes. When sizzling but before they brown, turn down the heat and sprinkle with some salt to draw out the moisture. Cook gently, stirring often, until tender. Add garlic and cook for a few minutes, and keep stirring.
- Fish the bay leaves out of the milk, stir the mozzarella into the courgettes, then add the milk a little at a time whilst stirring, then add the stock. Heat through gently, add seasoning to taste, and blitz it smooth.
- Sprinkle some chopped herbs when served. Nice with ciabatta or French bread.
This recipe tastes even better made with vegetables from Community Harvest Whetstone :)